Accept rules
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Our review
Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Do not discriminate
No kind of discrimination will ever be tolerated in any form. In cases where it seems to be a mistake you will get a warning, but repeated discrimination will result in a ban. Be tolerant.
Use content warnings
You must CW politics, as well as anything else that should deserve one. If a moderator asks you to CW something, do it.
Do not harass
No form of harassment will ever be tolerated. If asked to stop, stop.
No corpos
Small, local businesses relevant to the instance are allowed, but will be moderated more harshly.
Keep it civil
Discussion is encouraged, but being overly rude will result in moderation action.
Not obvious? Not interested.
Don't go digging looking for other user's information, if they don't make it obvious they probably don't want you to know.
No right-wing accounts
You do not have to be an anarchist to register here, but you do have to fit with the community a bit. Right-wing accounts are not allowed.
No spam
Pretty please?
No pornography
Due to legal requirements related to the admin(s) and hoster pornography as defined by Australian law is not allowed. "Restricted online content is material that is unsuitable for children, such as simulated sexual activity, nudity and high impact violence." Shirtless images are *not* pornography if not sexual in nature, however shirtless images of anyone under the age of 18 are banned for potential ethical and legal reasons.
Don't get me on a watchlist
Think about what you're posting. Generally, you can post stuff that may tread the line of 'illegal content' related to protests or direct action, but do be careful.
No fascists
No cops, no nazis, no Donald Trumpets, no whatever is popular with fascists today. Fuck off.
No MDNI accounts
Minors Do Not Interact accounts are banned due to the age of current and/or potential future admins.